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What Customers Say
Bluewing Holiday Overview
Bluewing Holiday is leading and professionally managed tour operator & popular travel agent of Karnal (Hrayana), INDIA having specialization in outbound tours, Inbound tours, Corporate tours & domestic holiday packages. We provide best tour packages to the best places in India & abroad. Besides that, we also provide all travel related services like hotel booking,Air ticketing,Tourist Visa ,Educational tours and travel at very reasonable rates & honesty.
Bluewing Holiday are expert in the field of tour & travel management in international & Domestic level and are committed to provide you the best of service for making your holidays pleasant and enjoyable. I promise you to entertain like my own family members. Our speech will be very clear and we never do wrong or over promising to our guests. we are true, trustful and transparent tour operator for you and your family also. your smile, blessings and satisfaction from your heart is our profit. We welcome all of you to join with us and enjoy your valuable time with us. I advise all of you not to waste much more money for tourism unnecessarily under the name of services. We can provide all similar services in very reasonable rates like the other big banner tour operators.
“Our Destinations :
We arrange International and Domestic tour packages and Honeymoon tours for Thailand,Singapore,Malaysia,Hongkong & Macau,Mauritius,Dubai ,Kashmir, Kerala, Himachal Pradesh, South India, Rajasthan, Goa, Vaishnodevi and other parts of India.”
Why Choose Us
Handpicked Hotels
World Class Service
Best Price Guarantee
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